Maintaining Healthy Relationships Boosts Mental and Emotional Well-Being as We Age | Exquisicare


Maintaining Healthy Relationships Boosts Mental an

Maintaining Healthy Relationships Boosts Mental and Emotional Well-Being as We Age

Navigating through elder years can be challenging and even isolating at times. Maintaining healthy relationships is crucial for mental and emotional well-being. Friends and family offer support for seniors when dealing with health changes, changes in cognitive functions and any social losses. This support helps to reduce stress and can better their health and improve self-esteem. Connecting with others also decreases loneliness and boosts motivation.

The three core values at ExquisiCare are Love, Reverence, and Family.


Understanding that the most basic human need is that to be loved, we, at ExquisiCare, treat elders with the same love and attention that we would a family member.

We spend time with the elders, listening to them and getting to know them. Elders are shown appreciation every day. We are honoured to celebrate birthdays with them and other occasions throughout the year(s).

It really is the small things that matter to an elder. Time, listening, and appreciation go a long way in showing your love for them.


At ExquisiCare, we show the deepest respect to the elders for whom we provide care. These are individuals who have worked very hard to build our community and we owe them our deepest gratitude.

Elders have an amazing story to tell, and their accomplishments are phenomenal! Listening with intent shows love, but it also shows respect.

Some conversations to engage in to show respect are:

  • Ask for their advice. By doing this you are acknowledging all the trials of life that they have endured.
  • Discuss their accomplishments, life trials, family heritage, history, and traditions.
  • Talk about their favorite activities, music, foods, etc.
  • Share with them what is going on in your life.

Most importantly, tell your loved one that you appreciate and respect them.


At ExquisiCare, our residents and their families truly become like family to us. Our homes feel like a traditional family home. Recognizing the integral role of family, we welcome family members into the homes at any time.

There is a direct connection between our health and having family support.

A family’s presence has many benefits:

  • Longer life expectancy by improving their overall health in their remaining years.
  • A stronger immune system so they are better equipped to recover from illnesses.
  • Better mental health as they are reminded that they are loved and valued.
  • Higher levels of cognitive function from participating in social activities.


Friends are equally important to have in our lives. There is nothing better than spending time with close friends and sharing some laughs and good times. Even though we may lose friends over the years, seniors who remain socially active still see the benefits of friendship.

Through our “My Friends” program, each elder gets one-on-one time with a caregiver. During this time, we engage with them doing activities they love. Connection with elders increases their mental health and well-being. It boosts motivation and decreases loneliness.

Friends provide social support, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem. They help us to feel heard and supported, they keep us active and provide companionship. Family and friends make life a little bit easier. Helping seniors maintain those relationships when they need assistance is rewarding for all involved.